
LTC Eligibility Factors
People requesting MA-LTC must meet all of the following eligibility factors to be eligible: Must be eligible for MA , Requires a nursing facility level of care as determined through a Long-Term Care Consultation (LTCC) Must have home equity at or below the home equity limit Must not be subject to a period of ineligibility under the uncompensated transfer rules : Must name the state the remainder beneficiary of certain annuities

SSDI and SSI benefits for people with disabilities
Learn how you may be eligible for benefits through Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) if you have a disability or are 65 or over. www.usa.gov/social-security-disability

Minimize the risk of losing services with BCC, renew your coverage with DHS and complete the important paperwork on time Use MA lookup tool: mnrenewallookup.com mn.gov/dhs/renewmycoverage

Hennepin County Cope Mobile Crisis team
If you are in a mental health crisis or know someone who is, the Hennepin County Cope mobile crisis team can come to where you are. Cope responds to anyone in Hennepin County who needs an urgent response. If the situation is life-threatening or you need an immediate response, call 911. To request Mental Health assistance, Call 612-596-1223.

Link to Disability Hub MN
Disability Hub MN is a free statewide resource network that helps you solve problems, navigate the system and plan for your future at disablilityhub.org Waiver Assessment Contact Here is a link for waver assessment request contacts for all MN counties. You might have more choices for affordable housing than you'd think. Use the tools on Housing Benefits 101, or HB101, to explore your housing options, discover what works for you and make a plan to get there.

The tools on HB101 can help you
Consider specific types of housing Explore ways to pay for housing Learn how to get the services you need wherever you live Connect to experts who can answer your questions and help you plan next steps Visit Hb101.org

Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MARC)
Any suspected vulnerable adult maltreatment can be reported by contacting the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MARC) by calling 844-880-1574 or by going to the website: Adult Protection / Minnesota Department of Human Services (mn.gov)

Apply for benefits easily online
A safe and easy way to apply for public assistance benefits Food assistance (SNAP) Cash programs Emergency cash assistance Housing support Child care assistance visit - mnbenefits.mn.gov
Homeless Resources
The Homelessness Resources page on HousingLink provides essential information and tools for individuals experiencing homelessness or extreme financial hardship in Minnesota. www.housinglink.org/renters/homelessness-resources