Housing Stabilization Services

How we help you find HOME
Breaking down barriers for housing!
Various challenges and barriers can make it hard to find housing, budget, interact with landlords and neighbors, and understand the rules of a lease. Finding and keeping stable affordable housing is important to the health of Minnesotans. Housing Stabilization Services is a new Medical Assistance benefit designed to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing.
The purpose of these services is to:
Support an individual’s transition into housing,
Increase long-term stability in housing in the community and
Avoid future periods of homelessness or institutionalization.
Eligibility Criteria:
To access our Housing Stabilization Services, individuals must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Be on Medical Assistance (MA)
Be 18 years or older
Have a disability or disabling condition
Require assistance in at least one of the following areas due to a disability:
Decision making
Managing challenging behaviors
Have experienced housing instability, including homelessness, transitioning from an institution, or being at risk of homelessness or institutionalization.
Housing Transition
Services that assist a person to plan for, find, and move to a home in the community.
Covered Services:
Developing a housing transition plan*
Supporting the person in applying for benefits to afford their housing, including helping the person determine which benefits they may be eligible for*
Assisting the person with the housing search and application process*
Assisting the person with tenant screening and housing assessments*
Providing transportation with the person receiving services present and discussing housing-related issues
Helping the person understand and develop a budget

Not Covered Services
Room and Board (including moving expenses)
No-show appointments
Staff travel time with a person not in the vehicle or the person is in the vehicle but Housing Stabilization Services is not discussed
Direct or indirect services provision in a group setting
Transition services from institutions if a person dies before discharge or transition services exceed 180 days
Housing Transition
Services that assist a person to plan for, find, and move to a home in the community.
Covered Services:
Developing a housing transition plan*
Supporting the person in applying for benefits to afford their housing, including helping the person determine which benefits they may be eligible for*
Assisting the person with the housing search and application process*
Assisting the person with tenant screening and housing assessments*
Providing transportation with the person receiving services present and discussing housing-related issues
Helping the person understand and develop a budget